"Everyone has the right to freedom of thought and the freedom to communicate opionions and expressions in a manner that is not contaray to any tenet of Islam" - Article 27 - Constitution of the Republic of Maldives

me, myself & i

My photo
Rover Scout. aka Blood. RJ. Journalist. Graphic Designer. Curious Photographer. Crazy Poet. Rebellion. Freethinker. Coffee Lover. Fascinated by Blood. In Love with a Simple Girl.

Oct 28, 2011

a nation at war !

Maldives has always been famous for the sandy beaches and its underwater beauty. It has always been praised for the breathtaking environment and the dreamy weather. Great travelers like Ibn Battuta have written about the friendliness and the welcoming nature of the Maldivian people. But that, was then! Ofcourse! Things have changed. We claim to have become more civilized. Or have we?

Its with shame, I have to admit today that we must be one of the most selfish and stubborn people on earth. Not to mention the most careless too.We have lost the precious values, the unique tradition and the great pride our ancestors martyred themselves for. Today we see, our lands, our economy, and our airports; the gates to this little nation being sold to the highest 'bidesi' bidder.

It has become a norm for this generation, to see gang fights on the streets - juvenile gangsters stabbings their rivals, or to open the newspaper every morning, to the filthy story of how a sick pedophile has been sexually abusing some 8 or 9 year old kid for years. Denial has become our shadow, ignorance our first resort.

And then there are the so called environmentalists of our nation. Big suites who talk big words around the world but in reality knows very little about what this environment is suffering. Those people who doesnt know what helps the world environment; making a movie to promote themselves, or asking the world if they would commit murder.

With a government that lies, and a police force that exists, well, lets say to protect and serve their asses, we have nothing to go by. Crime gone rampant, we Maldivians have adapted to violence, and unjust like the sun rising and setting everyday.

The big picture of this small nation is, we are not what our leaders advertise us to be.

So here is one of my favorite quotes, hoping our leaders will learn something from this and try to give us a better nation.

Until we totally change the way we elect our leaders, until we remove private money from public campaigns, lying will be the de facto method of governance in this country.
-Peter Schuyler-

Oct 25, 2011

welcome to piece by piece

Welcome to piece by piece, my official blog! here I plan to post my thoughts, my views, and just random shit, piece by piece.